The sigma8m, representing a landmark of IR technology progress globall, is the latest innovation.

  • unprecedented design of mobile-like infrared camera
  • equisite outlines of double-covered and open-faced
  • perfect technology-combinations of optics, mechanics and electronics.

Rugged Design

Magnahum housing is far more robust and shock-reSistant compared with other plastic ones; Intelligent bUilt-in tens design delivers
overall prote-dian for the pre<:ise optics even If It was dropped to ground by accident; The unique AGT offers double protection to the
sensitIVe optJcS and detectors in off and sleep mode; OptJOr'lal silicon jacket lets every edge angle of the camera well protected.



  • Predictive and preventative maintenance     
  • Electricity inspections
  • Building diagnostics  
  • Portable law enforcement